ALL launches must carried out WITH Adult Supervision.
Welcome to Basic Rocketry
![Model Rocket](images/rocketCG.jpg)
As mentioned on the side panel, model rocketry can be educational and fun. I hope I did not loose you with "educational". By the time you launch your first rocket you will understands Sir Isaac Newtons First Law of Gravity which is:
Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed.
Huh?! What did Sir Isaac mean by that? By applying force (igniting the rocket engine) to the static body (the rocket) moves in the direction of the said applied force. (The rocket shoots up into the sky). Your Science teacher will appreciate that you at least know the first law of gravity.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to enjoy model rocketry, but it helps if you pay attention in your Math and Science class. Basic math skills will play a part in how to measure how high your rocket flies. This will bring you closer to understanding Newton's first law of gravity.
Model Rocketry is not complicated
Really, it's not. I hope I did not scare you off. Rocketry is fun. With your first launch a change will come over you. And believe it or not, you will want to launch another one. Once you experience your first launch, you will feel the power of Science and want to learn more, how much more is up to you. Despite all of this talk about education, the key here is to have fun.
Spend some time and review these pages and educate yourself how to launch your rocket.